(a) KCR shall provide and perform the Services on the Transportation Date and Time, to the Transportation Destination using the Transportation Carrier, or as otherwise determined.
(b) The Pet Owner may request Services by telephone to KCR or by using KCR’s website. Quotes obtained from KCR’s website are not binding and the applicable Fee shall be confirmed by KCR prior to payment being charged to the Owner’s credit card.
(c) A booking for Services shall be considered confirmed upon payment of the Fee and a signed copy of the Service Agreement being returned by the Owner to KCR.
(d) KCR retains the right to refuse to provide the Services to any Owner for any reason, whether prior to or during the course of provision of the Services.
KCR will ensure that the Services are performed in a diligent and professional manner and to the standard of skill and care expected of a professional experienced in the provision of the type of services.
KCR guarantees that if there is a defect in the performance of the Services, KCR will remedy the defect or re-do the Services at no additional cost to the Pet Owner.
(a) The Owner shall arrange for delivery of the Animal to KCR’s office, or make such other arrangements with KCR for the collection of the Animal by KCR or its agents.
(b) KCR shall not be liable for any Claims in respect of the period immediately prior to KCR taking possession of the Animal. The Pet Owner agrees to indemnify KRC in relation to any such Claim.
(a) The Pet Owner shall select the Transportation Date and Time, the Transport Destination and may request the Transportation Carrier for the Services to be performed.
(b) The Pet Owner may select a Transportation Carrier and Transportation Date and Time for the Services, based on the availability of such Transportation Carriers, as advised by KCR to the Owner at the time of the booking for Services being made.
(c) KCR may substitute a choice of the Transportation Carrier or Transportation Date and Time at their discretion, based on availability of Transportation Carriers, provided that such substitution shall not affect the delivery of the Animal in substance.
(d) KCR shall advise the Owner of any changes to the Transportation Carrier or Transportation Date and Time prior to the Animal boarding the Transportation Carrier.
(e) In the event that the Owner is not agreeable to the changes to the Transportation Carrier or Transportation Date and Time, prior to the Animal boarding the Transportation Carrier, the Owner must advise KCR and KCR will remove the Animal from boarding with the Transportation Carrier pending further instructions from the Owner.
(a) The Pet Owner acknowledges that provision of the Services by KCR is subject to any terms and conditions imposed on KCR by a carrying entity and by the entering of this Agreement, the Owner consents to being bound by such terms, as amended from time to time.
(a) In the event that a flight or connection is missed or cancelled, or for any other reason, the selected Transportation Date and Time for provision of the Services cannot be met, KCR shall do all things necessary to arrange the next available transport of the Animal to the Transport Destination on similar terms.
(b) Any costs incurred in relation to the rebooking of transportation, including any requisite Kennel Boarding costs, shall be borne by the Owner, unless such delay is caused directly by KCR.
(c) The Owner irrevocably authorises KCR to deduct the cost of additional services incurred by KCR or its agents under this Clause and any related costs from the credit card details provided to KCR at the time of the Services being booked.
(a) KCR may assign and/or subcontract any part of the Services at their discretion.
(b) The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the physical possession and care of the Animal will be with the Transportation Carrier during part of the period in which the Services are provided. The Owner further agrees that any Claim arising in relation to this period shall be solely between the Owner and the Transportation Carrier and the Owner indemnifies KCR absolutely in relation to such Claims.
The Owner warrants and represents that the Animal is the property of the Owner and the Owner has to right to contract with KCR in relation to the Services.
The Owner must provide emergency contact details to KCR at the time of making the booking for the Services.
The Owner must ensure that they are contactable by their emergency contact details at all times. Failure to be contactable by KCR at any time shall be a breach of the Service Agreement and any action taken or costs whether direct or indirect incurred by KCR as a result of KCR’s inability to contact the Owner shall be deemed to not be a breach of the Agreement in any respect and the Owner shall fully indemnify KCR in relation to all matters arising from the operation of this Clause.
The Owner shall ensure that the Animal is properly crated for transport in accordance with Transportation Carrier’s requirements. In the event that the Animal is incorrectly crated, the Owner authorises KCR to re-crate the Animal in a manner acceptable to the Transportation Carrier. The Owner irrevocably authorises KCR to deduct the cost re-crating the Animal, including KCR’s time and the costs of a new crate, from the credit card details provided to KCR at the time of the Services being booked.
The Owner shall ensure that all things are signed and done to ensure that the Services can be provided by KCR. This includes, but is not limited to:
(a) The Owner shall be responsible for obtaining any licenses or permits required to own or transport or collect the Animal at either end of the Transportation Destination;
(b) Ensuring that the inside of the Animal crate is clean of faeces. In the event that inside of the crate requires cleaning prior to boarding with the Transport Carrier or during the period in which KCR or its agents are in possession of the Animal, KCR may, at its discretion charge a fee to the Owner for cleaning of the crate.
(a) The Pet Owner acknowledges that provision of the Services by KCR is subject to any terms and conditions imposed on KCR by a carrying entity and by the entering of this Agreement, the Owner consents to being bound by such terms, as amended from time to time.
The Owner agrees that in addition to the terms of this Agreement, the Owner is bound by the service terms of any applicable Transportation Carrier in relation to provision of the Services.
The Owner indemnifies KCR in relation to any sums or liability incurred by KCR in relation to the Services, or variations to the Services as set out in the Service Agreement.
The Owner irrevocably agrees that all amounts payable to KCR may be deducted from the credit card details provided to KCR at the time of the Services being booked, without prior notice to the Owner.
KCR entirely excludes the following:
Cases involving the sedation of an Animal prior to the Animal coming into the possession of KCR or the Transportation Carrier. In the event that an Animal is sedated prior to travelling, the Transport Carrier may refuse to carry such Animal. In the event that the Transportation Carrier refuses to carry said Animal, the Owner shall bear KCR’s costs associated with Kennel Boarding the Animal until such time that the Animal is accepted by the Transportation Carrier for transport to the Transportation Destination. Any costs associated with Kennel Boarding or rebooking the transportation time and date shall be borne by the Owner. KCR shall not be liable for failure to provide the Services in such event.
Loss, damage, injury, death, disability, contraction of a disease/condition or any other damage caused to the Animal whilst the Animal is not in the possession of KCR. The Owner indemnifies KCR in respect of all Claims relating to such events;
Loss, damage, injury, death, disability, contraction of a disease/condition or any other damage caused by the Animal to other persons or animals whilst the Animal is not in the possession of the Owner. The Owner indemnifies KCR in respect of all Claims relating to such events;
Loss, damage, injury, death, disability, contraction of a disease/condition or any other damage caused to the Animal or any other person or animal as a result of the Animal escaping from its crate, Kennel Boarding or other location;
Loss, damage, injury, death, disability, contraction of a disease/condition or any other damage caused to the Animal by virtue of that Animal being crated with other animals at the direction of the Owner;
Transportation of livestock/farming animals;
All Claims in respect of refusal by a Transportation Carrier to transport an Animal for any reason;
Disputes regarding the ownership of an animal to which Services apply.
The Fee is payable by the Owner in advance of the Services being supplied, by credit card payment, upon provision of a quotation by KCR to the Owner.
The Owner irrevocably authorises KCR to deduct the cost of the Services and any related costs from the credit card details provided to KCR at the time of the Services being booked.
The Owner irrevocably grants KCR a lien over an Animal in respect of unpaid fees.
The Owner agrees that KCR may determine whether an Animal requires emergency treatment for any condition at any time the Animal is in the possession of KCR or its authorised agents. Whilst, KCR will endeavour to contact the Owner to advise of the emergency and proposed course of treatment, the Owner agrees that if such contact is not feasible, that KCR shall be authorised to determine and approve any necessary treatment, at the cost of the Owner.
If required, in the event that the Animal is delivered to KCR in advance of the date of travel, KCR shall arrange for boarding of the Animal until the specified travel date and time.
The Owner may specify a Kennel Boarding for the Animal, if necessary, however, KCR may substitute a Kennel Boarding if necessary, at the discretion of KCR.
The Owner shall be liable for any fees associated with the Kennel Boarding of any Animal and agrees and irrevocably authorises KCR to deduct such expenses from the Owner’s credit card details provided to KCR at the time of booking the Services.
In the event that vaccinations are required prior to transportation, KCR will advise the Owner of the requirement of such vaccinations and the costs associated thereto.
The Owner shall arrange for the appropriate vaccinations for the Animal prior to provision of the Services and delivery of the Animal to KCR, or shall instruct KCR to arrange for such vaccinations, at the Owner’s cost
The Owner shall be liable for any fees associated with the required vaccination of any Animal and agrees and irrevocably authorises KCR to deduct such expenses from the Owner’s credit card details provided to KCR at the time of booking the Services.
When possible, KCR shall advise the Owner in advance as to whether there is a requirement to place any Animal, as a part of the Services, into quarantine in any country or state of Australia.
The Owner shall meet the full costs of any quarantine requirement. The Owner agrees that he/she shall be liable to KCR for the costs associated with any quarantine requirement, including KCR’s costs in arranging such quarantine requirement.
KCR shall liaise with AQIS where necessary and all charges of AQIS in relation to any Animal, shall be borne by the Owner. KCR will issue invoices payable before the Transportation Date and Time in respect of such quarantine services and will require such expenses to be prepaid by the Owner. The Owner may be invoiced separately for ongoing quarantine costs, as incurred by KCR.
KCR shall provide the Owner with updates in relation to the health, wellbeing and location of any Animal in quarantine, including, but not limited to AQIS.
The Owner acknowledges and agrees that once the Animal in under quarantine, KCR is no longer responsible for the treatment of such Animal and time in quarantine does not form a part of the duration of Services.
The Owner agrees that in the event of quarantine being necessary, the Owner will do and sign all things required by the quarantine authority/provider.
KCR shall not be liable for any determinations made by a quarantine authority.
The Owner discharges and indemnifies KCR relating to any Claim in relation to the time the Animal is in a quarantine facility and the Animal’s treatment during quarantine.
KCR may immediately terminate the Service Agreement if the Owner is in breach of the Agreement.
KCR may terminate the Services at any time where the Owner does not do all things necessary in KCR’s opinion to ensure that the Services can be provided by KCR.
The Owner may terminate the Services at any time prior to the Animal being transported.
For domestic carrying: In the event that the Owner cancels the Services 48 hours or more in advance, the Owner shall be entitled to a refund of 50% of the Fee paid.
For domestic carrying: In the event that the Owner cancels the Services within 48 hours, the Owner shall not be entitled to a refund of any amount for the Fee paid.
For international carrying: In the event that the Owner cancels the Services 10 days or more in advance, the Owner shall be entitled to a refund of 90% of the Fee paid, excluding KCR’s out of pocket expenses.
For international carrying: In the event that the Owner cancels the Services less than 10 days in advance, the Owner shall be entitled to a refund of 70% of the Fee paid, excluding KCR’s out of pocket expenses.
KCR will, on request, provide the Owner with proof of all insurance policies required to be maintained by KCR.
The Owner must indemnify and keep KCR indemnified at all times against any Claim whatsoever against KCR by any person arising directly or indirectly out of the provision of the Services under the Service Agreement or out of any breach of the Agreement by the Owner.
The content of this website and associated mobile Apps are provided for information purposes only. No claim is made as to its accuracy, authenticity, appropriateness or suitability for a user’s particular needs or circumstances or for any particular use. KCR accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by any error or omission contained in the information
KCR terms and conditions may be updated occasionally, with or without notice to users. The most current version of the terms and conditions will always be available on the website.
KCR makes no claim, representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of information or other content of the KCR website.
If any Clause of these Terms & Conditions is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the other Clauses of these Terms & Conditions will continue in effect
The courts of Victoria, Australia will have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute arising under or in connection with these Terms & Conditions
Any failure by KCR to enforce any Clause in these Terms & Conditions will not be deemed to be a waiver of the enforcement of other clauses.
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